For when you need an independent view
Value optimisation is an essential driver of any industry. We can use our combined experience to review your assets or projects. Merlin Geoscience provides red flag reports clearly communicating key risks and uncertainties. In addition we identify and recommend risk mitigation steps which can be used to help optimise asset value.
What's involved?
- Compilation and report review of current asset understanding against petroleum system parameters and typical evaluation workflows.
- Data review of red and amber elements as required to fully understand the key risks and uncertainties and their impact on value realisation.
- Focussed reporting of risks and uncertainties against key metrics.
- Recommendations for forward work flow items aimed at mitigating uncertainty and optimising value.

Where We can help
- Independent advice to non-technical managers regards asset value and engagement with governmental authorities and financial markets.
- CPR reporting.
- Quality assurance reviews of interpretation work prior to key business decisions.
- Identification of value adding asset workflows.
- Independent evaluation of new venture opportunities.
- Geophysical and geological survey advice and planning.
- Pre-well advice and technical programmes.
- Farm-out support.
- Mentoring and coaching for inexperienced technical teams ensuring work is fit-for-purpose and focused towards commercial goals.
Merlin's Capability
Business decisions with large financial consequences need to be based upon the highest quality technical evaluation. Don’t take any chances. Let Merlin’s Advisory Service provide the assurance that your business decisions are based on the best possible information.

Merlin’s expert technical team bring to bear over 250 years experience with over 17 different operators when conducting asset reviews. Staff specialisms range across the petroleum system workflow and our integrated team approach combines this to identify key uncertainties at each stage of the asset evaluation. When recommending forward workflow items Merlin take a pragmatic approach which considers an individual companies’ situation and tailors recommendations accordingly.

Portfolio development can be significantly aided by the compilation and data management of historic datasets. This ensures all relevant data is evaluated and an optimal business decision can be made.
Merlin Partners & Associates
Where Merlin do not have expertise in house, external partners and associates can be called on to provide these specialisms.