releasing digital value through scanning and optical character recognition
With the transition to digital working many companies have physical data assets which are important to ongoing workflows. By digitalising these items their value can be more easily accessed by you. We specialise in large format scans and ensure accuracy to original image quality. Thereby allowing confident destruction of original documentation if required.
What's involved?
- Receipt, Assess, Cleanse & Log: We have temporary storage warehousing which allows us to safely store your data during projects. On receipt documents are reviewed and a basic inventory with unique ID’s for each document created.
- High Fidelity Scanning: We undertake scanning of reports and large format documents with diligence and care. We know that image fidelity to the original document is paramount. Subtle visual cues such as being able to see creases, sellotape repairs, stains, and pencil notes create confidence that our scans exactly match the original and no data is missed.
- OCR (text recognition): "An image can speak a thousand words". This is true for humans but a long way from ideal for digital filing systems. OCR is offered both at time of scanning and for pre-existing document archives.
- Basic Inventory Catalogue: We can supply a simple searchable read-only database of your scanned items for use in-house or for import into your existing document management system.
- Keyword/keyphrase harvesting: Boost the usefulness and findability of your OCR scans. Our Keywise service can add document keywords/keyphrases to the basic inventory catalogue.
- Secure destruction: Once scanned and delivered we retain your document originals for 1 month. This gives you time to review your deliverables before we arrange for their secure destruction.
Merlin's Capability
We have experience of receiving pallets of client documents with no existing file structure. By working through the process outlined above we have delivered an agile, searchable and valuable asset by return. Why not give us a call to discuss your needs and we can discuss a pragmatic solution to fit your individual requirements.