Canoeing fun for Merlin

Earlier this month the team at Merlin had a day out of the office and went canoeing down the River Wye. This is part of our ongoing strategy to introduce more social activities into the year and keep the company a fun and exciting place to work. This is beneficial to both staff and business as it enhances team bonding which translates into building better and stronger working relationships. This can only positively impact our business and the work we produce. An undeniable win-win situation.

Merlin team in canoes on River Wye

The aim of the day was to canoe 15 miles down the River Wye from Ross-on-Wye to Symonds Yat. We teamed up, got our Canadian canoes onto the river (luckily no one fell in!!) and paddled off. Along the way we found the perfect little bank to stop off and enjoy two delicious homemade cakes brought along by Gary. They kept our energy levels up before lunch, where we were joined by more of the Merlin team at a local pub. They had gone to visit Clearwell Caves in the Forest of Dean and learn about the history of iron-ore mining in the area. After lunch we got back out on the river, swapping ends of the canoe with our partners so we each got a turn at steering. Again, another cake break was required and taken up readily, and we were even lucky enough to see the stunning blue of a kingfisher as we canoed along. Overall the day was a complete success, with beautiful scenery and perfect weather, with the sun shining all the way to Symonds Yat. It was a great way to spend a day with the Merlin team and was certainly something we all enjoyed.

Merlin team out canoeing