Having attended PETEX last week I definitely agree with the overriding sentiment that it had been far too long since seeing people face to face. On top of the all important networking, there was the usual packed programme of talks, stands and the extended fringe programme including PROSPEX, Africa Live and PESGB SIG meetings.
As can be imagined there was also a lot of talk around COP 26 and the energy transition, with many people seeing the need for change, but also the reality of meeting the world’s near term energy needs.
The mood across the conference was relatively positive, with the industry as a whole starting to see a slight up turn with people farming out acreage starting to see some interest. At the same time, there was plenty of talk and consideration of the future of energy and how companies in the industry can position themselves to support the changes which are needed in energy generation. Many of the farm-out talks considered how projects fit within our greener future, both in-terms of reducing environmental impact and how they fit within the overall future energy landscape showing the changes that are already happening.
I certainly enjoyed meeting up with old colleagues as well as making new connections, and I would like to say thank you to everyone who took time out of their day to speak with me. Hopefully it will not be quite so long before the next time we meet in person!
Helen Bone